Appendix D: Installing MAAS in a LXD Container

It is possible to install MAAS in a virtual machine or container. Doing so will help to isolate MAAS from the underlying OS and enable relatively easy backup and restoration of the complete MAAS environment. To facilitate this setup, the certification PPA includes a package, called maas-lxc-host, which includes scripts and tools to run on the host system in order to install MAAS in a LXC/LXD container. Note, however, that this procedure is still experimental! Although it can be made to work, it is delicate, and can easily fail because of system-specific configuration issues or because of minor deviations from the specified procedure.

If you want to run MAAS in this way, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that the host has sufficient disk space. The container consumes 128 GiB of disk space, in /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/disks/.

  2. Install Ubuntu Server on the server you want to host the LXD container and configure the server’s network as described earlier, in Installing and Configuring Ubuntu.

  3. Type sudo apt-add-repository ppa:checkbox-dev/stable to add the Hardware Certification PPA to the host server.

  4. Install the maas-lxc-host package by typing sudo apt install maas-lxc-host.

  5. If you’re using a remote SSH session, type screen. The setup process may interrupt network connectivity, so you’ll have to reconnect mid-process. Better, use a physical console or remote KVM, which will not be affected by this interruption.

  6. Type lxc-setup. This runs the LXC/LXD setup script, which proceeds to run through the setup steps, asking you some questions along the way…

    1. If you’re running remotely, the script checks to see if screen is in use. If so, you’ll be asked to confirm that you want to continue.

    2. At least once, and perhaps multiple times, you’ll be asked to enter your password. Do so whenever prompted.

    3. The script tries to identify the internal and external network devices on the host, and asks you to verify each one. It then creates network bridges for the future container. Once this is done, the script gives you the option to manually edit the NetPlan configuration file, in case you want to make your own tweaks. Note that the script tries to configure the external network interface (br1) using DHCP. This is likely to result in the external network interface’s IP address changing compared to its original configuration unless you manually edit it to use a static IP address; but this may not be appropriate. You should make changes suitable for your own network.

    4. After configuring the network, your remote network access is likely to go down, if you’re running remotely. You should be able to reconnect (doing so via the internal network interface may be easier than trying to find the new external IP address) and run screen -r to resume.

    5. After configuring LXD, the script sets up the LXD container’s network options. As with the host’s network configuration, the script gives you the option of reviewing and editing the settings. By default, the internal network (eth0) is given an address one higher than the host (for instance,, to the host’s, and the external address is configured via DHCP.

    6. At this point, the script asks if you want to set up MAAS in the LXD container. If you respond by typing Y (which is the default), the script installs maas-cert-server in the LXD container and then runs setup-certlab, as described in Running the Setup Script. For the most part, you can configure the MAAS server in the LXD container just as you would a MAAS server running directly on a server; however….

    7. When the setup script asks if you want to configure the server as a NAT router, you may want to answer N. The NAT control scripts are installed on both the host and the container, but using the host as a NAT router provides a more direct route to the outside world than would be the case if you used the LXD container for this purpose. this topic is covered in more detail shortly.

  7. If the lxc-setup script fails at some point, you can try fixing whatever problem is reported and re-running the script; however, this use case is not yet well-tested and so may fail. You may need to copy /usr/sbin/lxc-setup to your home directory and edit it to work around the problems.

The result of this configuration is that the computer will have at least four IP addresses: internal and external for the host computer itself and for the LXD container. The latter will run MAAS and an SSH server, but the latter may not be usable until you import your SSH public keys into the LXD container’s ubuntu account. You can do this from the host by typing:

lxc exec lxc-maas bash
su ubuntu
ssh-import-id lp:username

Change username to your Launchpad username. Alternatively, you can add SSH public keys in any way you like, such as by editing ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.

If you prefer, you can access the LXD container from the host by typing lxc exec lxc-maas bash every time; however, this is likely to be more awkward than enabling direct SSH access to the container.

In either case, the LXD container shares the /home/username and /srv directories with the host, where username is your username on the host. The former enables you to easily share arbitrary files between the host and its container; and the latter is intended to simplify configuration of Apache to deliver virtualization files needed by the virtualization tests. Because setup-certlab configures Apache on the LXD container and optionally downloads virtualization files, it’s easy to set up the container as the server for these files; however, storing these large files outside of the container may be desirable. You can also install Apache on the host and deliver these files from that location, if you prefer.

The setup-certlab script configures the MAAS server computer (that is, the LXD container, when MAAS is installed this way) as the router for the internal network. If you want to use the host instead, you must take some extra steps:

  1. On the host computer, type sudo systemctl enable certification-nat to configure it to enable NAT on the next reboot

  2. Type sudo service certification-nat start on the host to start NAT immediately.

  3. In the MAAS web UI, select Subnets from the options at the top of the page, and then select the internal subnet (under the “Subnet” column) from the list.

  4. Click the Edit button to the right of the Subnet Summary section.

  5. Change Gateway IP to match the host computer’s IP address, rather than the LXD container’s IP address. (You can make other changes here, too, if necessary for your network.)

  6. Click Save Summary to save your changes.

The iperf3 server is installed on both the host and the LXD container at the end of this process, but it’s not configured to launch automatically from either location. In theory, network tests can use either location as a target, once you launch iperf3 in the correct environment; however, running iperf3 on the host is less likely to cause performance problems and is therefore recommended. If you run iperf3 on the LXD container and encounter network test failures, you should try running iperf3 on the host and using it as a target instead. Note that network performance will be limited by the capabilities of the host; you can’t run full-speed tests against both the host and the LXD container and expect to get twice the host’s native network speed!

A fresh installation of MAAS in a LXC/LXD container will consume about 6 GiB of disk space in the /var/snap/lxd/common directory (or /var/lib/lxd/storage-pools/default/containers/, if using an Ubuntu 18.04 host). This space is likely to grow over time, especially if you add support for multiple Ubuntu versions and CPU architectures to your MAAS configuration. (Each new version requires cloud-init files that consume some space.)

You can use numerous commands to manage your MAAS container. These include, but are not limited to:

  • lxc list – Shows a list of containers and some summary information about them, including their IP addresses and whether or not they’re running.

  • lxc info – Displays summary information about a specified container (more than is shown by lxc list).

  • lxc exec – Runs a command in a container. In particular, lxc exec lxc-maas bash runs bash in the lxc-maas container (the name of the container created by lxc-setup).

  • lxc stop – Stops a specified container.

  • lxc start – Starts a specified container. Note that the container created by lxc-setup should start up automatically when the host boots.

  • lxc restart – Restarts a specified container.

  • lxc snapshot – Creates a snapshot of a specified container.

  • lxc restore – Restores a snapshot of a specified container.

The lxc-setup script creates a container that’s 128 GiB in size. This is normally adequate. (If you create a local APT mirror, that mirror can be much bigger than this, but it will normally be hosted in /srv, which is a filesystem that’s shared with the host, and so does not count against the container’s size.) Versions of lxc-setup prior to maas-cert-server 0.6.2, however, created a container that’s only 30 GiB in size. If the container fills up, symptoms can include a sluggish container, an unresponsive MAAS server, and a high CPU load on the host. You can type df / inside the container to check its disk use. If you find the container is low on disk space, you may want to begin by reviewing your installed images in MAAS. Delete unused images, such as for old releases or architectures you don’t test. If you’re still low on disk space in the container, you can increase its size as follows:

  1. On the host, verify that /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/disks/default.img exists. This file should hold the container’s filesystem; but its location could differ if you installed in some unusual way or if you’re using something other than 20.04 as the host OS.

  2. On the host, check to see how much disk space is available in the filesystem that holds the container, as just identified. (This is usually in your root filesystem, /, so df -h / will give you the information you need.)

  3. On the host, type the following commands:

    sudo truncate -s +100G /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/disks/default.img
    sudo zpool set autoexpand=on default
    sudo zpool online -e default /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/disks/default.img
    sudo zpool set autoexpand=off default

    If necessary, change the path to the container’s filesystem file; and if desired or necessary, change +100G to a suitable value for a change to the filesystem size. Be sure that 100G is preceded by a plus sign ( + )!

  4. Log into the container.

  5. Verify that the available disk space has increased, such as by typing df -h /.

This documentation can provide only a brief summary of LXC/LXD commands and tools. For more information, see the official Linux containers documentation at You can also type lxc with no options to see a summary of sub-commands, or type lxc with a subcommand to see a summary of how to use it, if the subcommand requires additional options.