Appendix G - Setting Up and Testing a GPGPU

Requirements for GPGPU testing

  • SUT prepared for testing as described in this document

  • NVIDIA or AMD GPGPU(s) installed in SUT

    • At this time, only NVIDIA and AMD GPGPUs are supported for Certification Testing.

  • Internet connection

    • The SUT must be able to talk to the Internet in order to download a significant number of packages from the NVIDIA repositories.

  • Installation of the checkbox-provider-gpgpu package – type sudo apt install checkbox-provider-gpgpu after deploying the node. This package is installed from the Certification PPA, which should be enabled when you deployed the node or installed Checkbox manually.

    • This will install the snapped tools used for certification: cuda-samples, gpu-burn, and rocm-validation-suite. cuda-samples and gpu-burn are used for NVIDIA GPGPUs while rocm-validation-suite is used for AMD GPGPUs.

Setting Up GPGPU(s) for Testing

New tests cases have been added to test that NVIDIA and AMD GPGPUs work with Ubuntu. With this addition, GPGPUs can be certified on any Ubuntu LTS Release or Point Release starting with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS using the 4.15 kernel.

AMD GPGPUs should work with the default drivers installed by Ubuntu.

If you’re using an NVIDIA GPGPU, install the ubuntu-drivers utility if it isn’t already installed. To install it, type sudo apt install ubuntu-drivers-common. This tool automates the setup of the NVIDIA drivers on Ubuntu. To use it, type ubuntu-drivers install.

Once the tool completes the installation, you must reboot the SUT to ensure the correct driver is loaded.

Testing the GPGPU(s)

To test the GPGPU, you only need to run the test-gpgpu command as a normal user, much in the same manner as you run any of the certify-* or test-* commands provided by the canonical-certification-server package.

Running test-gpgpu will execute some automated tests and a stress test that will run for approximately 4 hours against all discovered GPGPUs in the SUT in parallel. Once testing is complete, the tool will upload results to the SUT’s Hardware Entry on the Certification Portal. You do not need to create a separate certificate request for GPGPU test results, simply add a note to the certificate created from the main test results with a link to the GPGPU submission and the certification team will review them together.